= Passive Optical Splitter Open [[Admin/Inventory]] and create new device of PON type and SPLITTER model (you need to do this manually as splitter is a passive device). Then attach meta attributes - {{{splitter-role}}} (see below) and {{{splitter-ports}}} (number of splitter ports). In [[Interfacess]] tab create new virtual interface and connect it as uplink to source OLT device. If there are multiple splitters in the path, create as many as needed and connect them through virtual interfaces. == Splitter role == #splitterRole === trunk not for access (only to connect multiple splitters) === access-welded no attributes, welded fibers === access - subrack[1..24] - cartridge[1..24] - port[1..24] === access-pillar - cartridge[1..50] - port[1..24] - riser[1..4] - color[red blue green yellow purple white orange gray brown lightgreen cyan pink] - stripes[no-stripe single-stripe double-stripe] === access-building - riser[1..2] - color[red blue green yellow purple white orange gray brown lightgreen cyan pink] - stripes[no-stripe single-stripe double-stripe]