= Fixed IP addresses Fixed address REST API is available at {{{$Portax::WebPath/rest/ip/:ip}}} == DESCRIPTION Fixed address REST resource provides simple methods to query and/or update fixed address reservation. == METHODS === GET Query address ==== EXAMPLE {{{ curl -s --cert-type P12 --cert $CERT:$PASS \ $URL/rest/ip/ }}} Response: {{{ {"responseCode":200,"results":{"ip":"","sid":17628,"mac":"58:6d:8f:58:ec:c4","cidr":""}} }}} === PATCH Update fixed address. ==== URI {{{$Portax::WebPath/rest/ip/:ip}}} Expects UTF-8 JSON encoded data in the POST body. ==== FIELDS mac:: New MAC sid:: New subscriber ID ==== EXAMPLE {{{ curl -s --cert-type P12 --cert $CERT:$PASS -X PATCH \ --data @data.json \ $URL/rest/ip/ }}} {{{data.json}}} {{{ {"sid":17628,"mac":"58:6d:8f:58:ec:c4"} }}} Response: {{{ {"responseMessage":"OK","results":{"sid":"17628","ip":"","mac":"58:6d:8f:58:ec:c4","cidr":""},"responseCode":200} }}}