= Accounting Query Portax accounting database Accounting REST API is available at {{{$URL/rest/accounting}}} == DESCRIPTION Accounting REST resource provides simple methods to query Portax accounting database. == METHODS === GET Query accounting database uid:: Limit query results to uid xref:: Limit query results to xref period:: Limit query results to period (ie. 202301) ==== EXAMPLE Request: {{{ curl -s --user $USER:$PASS $URL/rest/accounting?uid=21059f6471872b53161988cd96f48183 }}} Response: {{{ { "results": [ { "in": "0.12", "period": 202212, "out": "0.74", "total_out": "52.93 GB", "avg_in": "0.02", "avg_out": "0.16", "uid": "21059f6471872b53161988cd96f48183", "image64": , "max_out": "16.98", "xref": "abc", "max_in": "0.87", "total_in": "7.35 GB" } ] } }}} == How to setup accounting Accounting can be enabled from any traffic graph using the '''$''' icon from bottom toolbar. Fill in {{{External reference}}}, ie. customer number and {{{Description}}}. You can manage accounting enabled graphs in ''!/Admin/Other/Accounting''. {{{AdminAccounting}}} privilege is required to do so.